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Showing posts from October, 2012

Ketika Waisya Merindukan Sudra

Kuliah di kota sebelah membuat saya harus kos deket kampus. Kos pertama saya sederhana, tidak ada garasinya. So, tiap kali kembali ke perantauan, saya naik kereta komuter. Tarif harga komuter dari jaman saya menjadi maba hingga sekarang semester 7 masih tetap Rp 2.000. Fyi, pernah naik menjadi Rp 3.000, dan itu hanya bertahan sehari. Esok harinya udah balik Rp 2.000 lagi. Saya pertama kali naik komuter pas jaman-jaman SMA, kelas X kalau gak salah. Waktu itu saya bersama kedua teman SMP saya, Ovi dan Isa berencana nonton di delta plaza. Tapi, waktu itu sih kita kehabisan tiket nontonnya, jadi berujung jalan-jalan aja. hehe Meskipun ada kereta Penataran, tapi saya lebih suka komuter. Meskipun Penataran jalannya lebih cepat, Sda-Sby 30 menit. Sedangkan kalau naik komuter Sda-Sby 1 jam, bahkan bisa 1,5jam kalau dia crash sama kereta lain, namun saya masih lebih suka naik komuter. Selain itu, udara di dalam komuter lebih melegakan karena jendelanya kebuka semua. haha. Ada yang lebih ...

One Fine Day in Absurd Tour

This was an effect after watching Stand Up Comedy Season 2 in Kompas TV. There were many good comics. I chose Gilang Bhaskara a.k.a Gilbas for my best comics. But, the winner was GE Pamungkas *Fyi, he is handsome and he has many fangirl but I am Gilbhas fangirl. kekeke I chose Gilbhas because of his logical in his material. If we watch his show, we will know that he is smart *I like a smart one :p There was Topenk and Kemal. They were good too. And especially Kemal. I don't know why he is so absurd. Sometimes his material wasn't funny (Maybe this is his absurd side), but we could laugh xD And Stand Up Sidoarjo had an event. ABSURD TOUR. Well, Kemal would come to Sidoarjo. My friends and I were kinda excited about this event. We booked 5 tickets. kekeke Sooooo, after we had waited for long time, the day had come. 6th of October, we attanded absourd tour in smamda. But, Kiky couldn't join it because of her sickness. In afternoon, we had fanmeeting. I tal...

Drama Queen

Two pictures below were a half of my role to be a drama queen. muahahahahaha This photo was taken by Karimah This photo was taken by Nopi Sometimes, it was funny do weird things with friends. HAHAHAHA Now, all of us are on the way to graduation. Will we still be able to do this after graduation? :')


Hi, everyone xD 1st of October has come. New month, new hope, new target, and I hope my October will be better then my messy September. Today should be better then yesterday, isn't it? Yeaaah, my 1st post in October. Read my post :) This was one of my drawing in senior high school. This was my final task. We had to make screen printing in T-shirt So, I decided to drew this because at that time I was on fire to be hero of our earth.^^ The meaning of my drawing is 'we have to save our earth from global warming' The earth was hotter day by day :( Not only us that have to save our earth, but also all of people in the world (in my drawing I chose army for the example). Oh, I almost forget. In my other post, I said that my drawing was not good enough so I didn't join fine art class in junior high school. But, in my senior high school, there was only fine art. So, I didn't have any choice :( *In fact, that wasn't 100% made by me :p My friend, Novi...