Dear my friend, How are you? What will you do to spend your time in next holiday? Lets come and explore Lombok. What do you think about Lombok? Spicy? Hot? Yes, Lombok is HOT. I mean, Lombok is amazing enough so I call it HOT. Lets pack your clothes and I’ll bring you to Lombok. Okey, let me tell you about Lombok. I hope after I describe about Lombok, you will come to Lombok ASAP XD I swear, you will addicted to this island after you come at the first time. You will fall in love with this hot, beautiful, exotic, gergeous. Ups, sorry I describe it too much? But, i guaranty it. Lets start, I’ll tell you my experience in Bahasa. Lombok adalah sebuah pulau dimana terdapat provinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat (NTB) didalamnya. Setelah mendarat di BIL (Bandara Internasional Lombok), lebih baik kita menuju Mataram untuk wisata kuliner. First, lets try ayam taliwang. Lebih baik kita mengkombinasikannya dengan sambal babaruk dan plecing kangkung. Kalau masih penasaran dengan kuliner Lombok, mari ki...
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