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When your Friend Passed Away [2]

Hmm..last week I watched movie with my friend. That day I met my friends from junior and senior high scool.
After I had class, my friend, Ovi and I decided to buy "bakso kotak". It located near ITS. Suddenly, we met my friends, Olin and Wuri, from senior high school. They were eating "Pisang Ijo". It located near ITS too. Finally, we decided to hang out in KFC Mulyosari. We had fun in there. After that, Wuri and Olin went home and I accompanied Ovi to go to bookstore. We spent much time for having fun until Maghrib. That time I had appointment with my other friend to watch movie. We would see "Surat Kecil untuk Tuhan" in TP but we're late. Finally we watched movie in Delta. Yeah, we got the ticket :D

Okay, let's talk about the movie. Here the synopsis about "Surat Kecil untuk Tuhan":

Keke , a 13-year-oldteenage girl who is quite fortunate, because it was born from a family of highly located,has two older brothers and parents who doted on her. In addition Keke is alsosurrounded by six close friends who are always loyal to accompany him and his life evenmore complete with the presence of a lover who is also very fond of her that is Andy's.
Everything seemed so perfect. Until then washed over her cancer. Keke is a person withRhabdomyosarcoma (Cancer Soft Tissue), the first in Indonesia. Pretty girl turned into a"monster" until forced to undergo a series of radiation kemotrapi almost a year and, consequently, all, Keke hair little by little began to fall out, dry skin, and often nausea.Keke and his family perseverance paid off. Keke declared cured and can return toactivities as usual.Unexpectedly, a year later, the cancer returned, more severe and deadly. Aware could not survive, does not make them meyerah and lost. His enthusiasm to keep being the best not the least weakened. Like the star Sirius is still shining brightly despite the skycovered with clouds.

There are few part made me cry a lot. It caused I remember about Astrid. Keke and her friends join in school extracuriculer. So did I and Astrid. Astrid, Tukha, Dina, and I met in KIR (Kelompok Ilmiah Remaja) in our high school. We joined paper competition together. We made a practice together in school with our teacher until mid-night. We always excited in every competition although we failed. We needed the experience.

Other story from Keke, when he stayed in hospital, her friends came to see her. I always remeber when I accompanied Astrid when she had to HD (Hemodialisys). I remembered when Dina cried besided her. I remebered when Tukha and I met her for the last time in her home. Tukha compressed her injury, using the towel and the Ice. I squeezed the towel if it was watery.

She told her feeling that she wanted to be healthy soon and watching horror movie together again in Dina's home. She wanted attending reunion party of our senior high school. Hmm.. I cried a lot when watching this Keke's part because I remembered about Astrid.

From left: Astrid, me, Tukha, Cece, Dina. We attended P3A's competition. We were still in 10th grade

We would have paper competition in Social and Politic Faculty-Unair

Astrid's mom, Ayu auntie told me that she wanted celebrate her birthday party with me, Tukha, and Dina in Amgrill. She told Astrid were sad when she celebrated her 19th in Jember without us. Then, someday Ayu auntie ask me to accompany her to have luch in Amgrill. We talked more about Astrid. We sit in Strid;s favourite seat. The waitress ask us where was Astrid. Ayu auntie told her that she passed away. The waitress was shock. She remembered that Astrid told her about her celebrating.

Well, This movie reminds me of her. there were many memories of us. I can only pray for her. hopefully one day I could come to his tomb because it was two times she were in my dream.


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