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Fruit Falls not Far from It Tree

Hi :D

I want to write this topic for a long ago, but I was lazy -_____- because my mood was setting up for DOWNLOAD all about hallyu.kekekeke^^

Well.. let's continue to talk this topic with my poor grammer --"
I'm sorry if there will be a lot of mistake in my writing

Talking about "Fruit Falls not Far from It Tree"
Let's talk about me first. I have many good habit :p and poor habit -.- Sometimes, I'm silent then suddenly I take out my opinion from my mouth so fiercely (is it too scary to express how I give my opinion?? ). I ask to my self, "How could I'm being like that". Then, I observe to my family. Yeah, I think it's my father habit too -_____- Well, we are similiar. but I think he is more fiercely than me :p . Beside that, I like to eat the side dishes without rice. same with my father habit and his family. He like to eat the side dish without rice.
When I sleep, I take my pillow up to my face. Once again, it's my father habit and my grandfather do it too. My father told me that my way to eat something is similiar with my grandmother. Not only my father said like that but the other person told me too. I have so many similiar habit with my father. Not only the habit, physically we are similiar. He is tall and fat, so am I. He has small fingers and legs. I have small finger and legs too. Then, it called "Fruit Falls not Far from It Tree", am I right?

Then, I observe some friend. When they told about their parents, I can identify that my friend and her mother/father has similiar habit too. Such as, she like to help everyone, she is stingy girl, she is arrogant and many other.

 I think, how our parent think and act affect us to do something. It's not only the similiar physicall but also the our habit is similiar with our parent too. It's because we have direct education from them then appear "Fruit Falls not Far from It Tree" . So, let's observe our good or bad habit that is similiar with our parents, then let's take the good one and throw away the bad :)
Let's to be dignified people :)


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