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Hi 2017

While some people believe that their age in a quarter of a century is a stage to show that they had reached their dream, got high position in their company (and also the salary is high too), have a marriage, or other amazing achievements, 2016 has given me a special meaning too, even though it’s rather different (from other people) because it has given me special life lesson. I have learned about myself further. I have learned that being your self is not as easy as to invert your hand. 2016 has been a struggle year for me. 2016 has learned me to embrace all of the up and down of my life, all the bitter also the sweet things in my life. This year has made me braver and stronger, and also I almost forget how grateful I am.

“I know it sounds very cheesy and cliche, but honestly, it took me twenty five damn years to finally understand myself; to completely love and accept everything in my life; to unashamedly show you who I really am. And I don't think there is anything else that more matter than becoming braver and more true to myself.” (Ozu, 2016).

This morning I had psychiatric test in one hospital in my town (for my next job). When I entered to one of its building, I saw so many people suffer. They couldn’t do their daily activities freely and easily as they want due to their illness. I saw an old woman accompany her sister to did annual check up with the doctor. Her sister talk so many things to say her complain to the doctor. Her sister always blamed the doctor. She complained why the doctor gave her higher dose of the drugs so she could not pee normally. Her sister also complained why she had to took long time to met the doctor (in other words she did not want make a queue). Because her sister talk loudly during my test, I was curious. When I finished my test, I heard that the doctor told her that it was not true that she gave her higher dose and told her to be patient because she gave her special queue so many times. Oh I see, her sister is regular patient. But, her sister still talked loudly and complained a lot to the doctor. Suddenly I heard that the old woman cried. She talked to the doctor that her sister did the same thing (in the hospital) again and again in their home. She seems to be desperate what should they do to make her sister’s condition get better. I can’t explain the detail, but I can say that it was kind of touching circumstance.

Then, I think, Allah give me a lesson in the last day of 2016. All I need is to say how grateful I am. So many people still struggle with their illness, while I still upset to something that it was not as big as their problem. I have to keep going and going, no matter how slowly I am. This year will pass so soon, so I think, it is okay if this year I HAVE BEEN A SLOW WALKER, BUT I NEVER WALK BACK. And also thanks to Up & Up song (by Coldplay) for being the soundtrack of my life during this November-December.

Hi, 2017!!!


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